Purchase our new releases below or browse our store to shop our full digital collection of Stamps, Scrapbook Papers or Collage Sheets!

About Me

My photo
I'm a wife, a mother, and a full time illustrator. I have a son who is 8, and a daughter 5. Drawing & Digital painting is my life, but wish drawing digis was my full time job b/c I get so much satisfaction from it! For now it is a hobby that is mainly for my babies, and my escape from the strict guideline of the lisenced properties I work on in everyday life! I LOVE my day job too. I create small MMO games for major featured films, anything ranging from Dreamworks Madagascar, Ice Age, Tin Tin, or Puss In Boots to projects as small as My Little Pony, Barbie, and Hello Kitty to name a small few. I enjoy painting traditionally and digitally, and there are days where I wish I had four arms so I can do everything! Family comes first for me - life is just too short, so I try to find a happy balance between crafts and my full time career.

Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Redonkadoodles NEW Stamps!!!

Hi everybody,

It's been a while, but it looks like I have managed to free up some time. Time for what you ask? I think I may dip my tiny toes in the cold water and release some new digital images. You will see a few new ones up already! Many things have changed in my life since my last excursion in the crafting world. I'm not sure how permanent this will be at this time, however I sorely miss the community and the amazing crafters I have met over the years! So as I dig out my dried up markers (no joke) and dust off my crafting paper, I'm pulling myself out of hiding and I'm taking the plunge again - maybe one day have enough courage to discuss what has transpired over the years!!!  🤗 It will take some pre-planning to ramp up, but I hope I can reunite with some old friends and hopefully swim by some new ones. See you soon, out in the big blue sea. Stop in and say hello...if there is anyone even listening - Hahaha! And holy cow, what on earth is Photobucket thinking messing around with our thumbnail images and wanting hundreds of dollars? I'm done with that mess and will be removing those broken links from my blog. If anyone wants a button that actually works on your blog, please feel free to grab it from my website so you can view the latest release from your own blog! When you click on the release button it will give you a code to paste into your blog, here is the link -  New Release Blog Button - and don't worry, I'll be updating my latest release so you don't have to see that Creepy Clown on your blogs. Some people are really sensitive about that kinda stuff and I don't like to freak anyone out! But - tis the Halloween season!

If you want to purchase my new digis stamps, head on over to my website! For now, I'll leave you with some personal pieces of art. This is my first, unplanned speed painting video using my iPad Pro2, a glimpse of my personal works and artistic capabilities. Don't be fooled by how fast this video is. This was a piece that took a couple of days - HA! Some of my personal works may go up for sale...lets be real here, digital stamps sadly don't pay the bills anymore and this mama need to start hustling. So commission pieces are also something I may be planning in the future depending on interest!

Rihanna Inspired Piece! I just loved this picture and and the fashion! She's so pretty!

Thursday, 19 September 2013

A Day of Sadness, A Crazy Month, A Crazy Momma, Need to Craft....

My thoughts and prayers go out to my fellow commuters who were involved in the horrific bus accident that collided with a train yesterday morning, making national news.  It is a very eerie feeling knowing that this is the exact same bus I have taken for the past 9 years as my early morning routine.   Now that I have my daughter in my life, I just started last week, getting off that same bus just before the train tracks to drop her off at our care providers.  If it wasn't for my daughter in my life now, I would,  no doubt, be on that bus.  Chilling, sad, and horrifying.  I can't stop thinking about the "what ifs" and deeply saddened by the familiar faces I saw everyday over the course of 9 years, who were injured or killed.  :(

To say it has been a crazy month, would be an understatement.  I just started back at my full time job. Of course, deadlines were thrown at me within my fist week and I am beyond exhausted after a few late nights.  It is nice seeing everyone at work, but not enjoying my new routine - HA! I have to wake up at 4:30 AM, make lunches for the babies and myself, get the kids dressed, fed, daily journals ready, and out the door to catch 3 buses....if you see a lady running on the sidewalk (I'm not exaggerating here folks), wearing a business suit and pushing a stroller - yep, that's me! LOL!  It is time to invest in a second vehicle for sure before the snow comes, because I can't do this everyday - especially if we get snow! Eeeeek!

As for my loves in my life, they are not adjusting well to the new routine of school and care provider.  Despite getting colds passed around the school and into our home, there has been lots of separation anxiety for everyone - including me! :(   It is getting better for the kids, but it was a fight every morning.  My son's first day of school in junior Kindergarten ended up with him getting "timeout" for pushing a boy and making him cry.  My son told me he was chased by 3 children and they threw pine cones at him. So he pushed one of the boys b/c they "trapped" him. It's tough being 4, didn't ya know?  Ugh! This is not what I envisioned my son's first day of school to be like.  On his 2nd day of school he got another "timeout" for not listening.  Kolby refused to go to school the next day due to the anxiety of his timeouts.  For 2 days we had some warm hearted talks about the T.O's because he was quite upset by them.  After much convincing, he seemed ok with going again...but then on his 3rd day of school, Kolby's bus was hit by a dump-truck!  Luckily he hadn't got on the bus yet.  No injuries to the kids or bus driver, thankfully.  I had to take Kolby to the care providers instead of school, and was an hour late for my second day of work - ugh!  The next day we spoke with his teachers about the T.O's and how he was super happy and excited to go to school, but now he says he hates it. They admitted they didn't see what happened with Kolby and the young boy, but saw the boy on the ground crying.  I'm not saying my son is innocent, but I at least wish they knew the full story before dishing out the TO's.  More discussions took place about keeping his hands to himself, and tell a teacher if kids are being mean to him.  Everything has settled today.  Kolby hasn't had a T.O. for a while now and he has been rewarded for being so good.  My mind is at ease knowing that he is happy at school now. He has several new friends he speaks of. He even told me that he loves a girl named Katie and wants to protect her like his sister. Bless his sweet little heart! ♥

To top off my week, my website for my store went down for a few days because my web host had technical difficulties.  Completely out of my control.  It's up and running now.  Sorry for the inconvenience, and thank you once again to those of you who reported the issue to me!  xoxo  Hoping Friday is a good day for me; praying that I won't have homework so I can get my craft on.  I've got a half finished digi on hold.  Sadly, I already know I will be spending most of my time installing the latest programs from work.  Gotta keep my home computer updated.  I also want to  make time this weekend to place a rose at each bus stop, and visit the crash site...

Hope everyone is well and have time to stop in and say hi. I miss you guys!    :)

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Baby's First Birthday - Digital Stamp

We're home safe and sound after a few weeks away from the crafting world.  Have you ever made a card in your car before?  It was a first for me - LOL!  Ok, I coloured the digi stamp at home but did a lot of careful gluing on the trip up North in the car and finished off once we got to our destination.  It's hard to post when you're out visiting!   We had a wonderful birthday party out of town for my daughter and nephew who celebrated their first birthday together.  I've been itching to share these party pictures for the past week and now that I am home, I am able to do so.  It was so nice to see everyone and for Serina to visit with her aunts, uncles and cousins who she hasn't seen in a long time!  She was such a good girl, but played "shy" with her Nana and Papa.  I guess that means we'll have to have more visits! 


We also took another trip to see my side of the family for the following week to celebrate Serina's 1st birthday.  Lucky girl gets two birthdays and two cakes!  Spoiled much?  She had a great time visiting everyone, going  swimming, and watching her cousin's soccer finals.  I'm sad to be home knowing that school is starting for my son soon and Serina will be off to daycare while I gear up to go back to work!  Heartbreaking to let them go, but, like the rest of the world, we need to hold the fort.  *sob*
Over these next few weeks, my digital stamp production will decline.  I want to enjoy these remaining weeks with my family and soak up the last of the summer before returning to my day job.  Once everything settles, I will try to get back on track.  We shall see how it goes, I will try to draw in my sleep if I can, but no guarantees - LOL!  Happy Crafting everyone - but do try to get outside to play before the summer is gone!  With the way this summer has been going, I'm predicting the coldest winter ever...yup, I said the "W" word in August - eeek!

To my dearest Serina,
This digital stamp is dedicated to you sweet baby girl.  It is a true blessing to have you in our lives and you bring us so much joy and laughter. You complete our family and we just cannot imagine life without you.  Love you to the moon and back, always and forever.  xoxo

This digital stamp is called "Baby Serina".  I coloured up this handmade card using Promarkers for her Skin, Hair, and black tones.  Then I used Copics for her pink dress.

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Handmade Card for Men & Summer Time Fun!

I just enjoyed an amazing 2 weekends in a row with family at a cottage my brother rented.  Yes, I put the hobby and computer aside while I enjoyed some of the beautiful weather we are FINALLY getting!  What a weird summer we are having.  One minute it is cold (20°C) and then the next day it is 37 °C.  Anyway, our weekends were full of fishing, tubing, barbecuing ribs, and playing Scribblish (from the makers of Cranium) - what a hoot that game is!  My Nana from England came to visit us again this year to enjoy some of our Canada Day shenanigans which included fireworks off the dock and celebrating my father's 70th birthday.  If you don't follow me on our facebook fan page then you haven't seen the card I did for my Dad.  I digitally coloured it, thinking it would be faster - but it was not.  It actually took way too long, but it was a blessing in disguise that I did this one digitally. The stink'n numbers on the card fell off during travel and glued themselves to the image. Luckily I have my mother addicted to making cards too, so she had some of the necessary tools to reprint, dismantle and re glue the card - Phew!  Anyway, this digital stamp is a funny one called "Giddy Up Cowboy".  My Dad is a big fan of western movies and some country this manly handmade card is dedicated 100% to him and based on a sketch I did a few years ago! 

Some Cottage Fun!
Ghost Buster's car spotted at Tim Horton's while passing through a small town on the way home!  I added some final touches! LOL!
I have been sketching out a new digi stamp - yup another funny one...but it has 3 characters in it *sigh* - this one is already proving to be very time consuming as I try to get expressions and poses just right.  Almost done the sketch phase though - YAY!  Hope you all have a crafty week.  Get outside and enjoy some sun too! xoxo

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Redonkulous Designs to Redonkadoodles

Hello lovely bloggers!  You may have heard already that we have re-branded Redonkulous Designs to Redonkadoodles!  For business and future strategic reasons, we decided it would be best to...yes, start over again.  CRAZY!!!  We have a big plan in place that will take months and months to reach - but it will hopefully be worth it in the end.  So yes I'm still alive and busy beyond belief while still juggling my busy 10 month old baby girl, my 4 year old son, and updating my site!  Time is flying too fast these days and the sleepless nights are starting to make me look like a zombie from the Walking Dead.  Taking care of the kids, replying to customers in the day, and working till the wee hours of the morning is certainly taking it's toll on me.  I may not be able to meet my Wednesday release date every time anymore, but I do try!  I go back to work in September, and I am a little freaked out by it.  The thought of trying to be, as one lovely fan put it, "Superwoman", I need to take things at a pace that is manageable.  We will see how juggling everything goes.  I use to work in television on cartoons, character designing and supervising multiple shows at once - so this should be easy peasy right!?!?  Pfft!  Not so easy when your solo.  I guess those skills are out the window when you have monkeys crawling up your leg begging for food!  ;)

So with a new site, comes a new Facebook Fan Page!  If you haven't liked our page already, please hop over to our NEW Facebook fan page and give us a like!  You will hear about our redonkulous random sales and be able to participate in our random trivia for points/freebies!  Plus share your cards you have created using our images!  I can't tell you enough how excited I get when a fan posts their creations using my products!  It truly makes it worth doing more!

I would like to THANK all of my fans for changing your blog links.  I can't express enough how important this is for us. It helps people find us easily and gets us back on the map.  The transition has certainly set us back and we are taking an enormous hit financially because of it.  This is some of the risks we knew would happen when we switched over...we just didn't know how bad the impact would be.  We are new at this adventure and learning as we go.  Lots of mistakes have been made along the way.  It will all be worth it in the end I hope, and I do have days where I want to give up, and then a lovely customer posts something inspiring that makes me smile and want to keep going!  Eventually the word will get out, with your help...we hope!  Flaunting our new button on your blogs is probably the best. For your convenience, I had my programmer make a special button that shows our new release right on YOUR blog! Yes! It automatically updates!  Pretty cool huh?  You can get the code by visiting my store website and clicking on the "I ♥ Redonkadoodles" image and inserting it into a blogger gadget - HTML code. 

A BIG BIG thank you goes to my Aunt Kim from Just Wordz!  I don't know what I'd do without this wonderful woman in my life!  She truly is keeping my shop alive while I work on boring stuff behind the scenes and struggle to get an image out each week!  I have a one woman design team - LOL!  Thanks Kim!  Love ya, and all the amazing work that you do! ♥

Here I Combined my Funny Face Girl with my Funny Face Man!

 Hope everyone has a safe and wonderful long weekend!  Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canadians and 4th of July to my friendly neighbours in the USA!  =)

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

A Funny Digital Stamp

Hi everyone! I've been a bad blogger as of late.  I decided to spend some much needed time with my family.  Everything is ok.  There's just a lot of things to think about in terms of what is important to me, what the future holds, and what sacrifices need to be made.  Obviously family comes first!  We  will figure it all out as we move forward.  Sometimes I wish I could freeze time, because I have a million things to do.  Yesterday our two little Monkey's stayed with a sitter for 5hrs. It was strange not having them around.  Too bad Daddy and I weren't doing anything exciting (business related stuff). I've definitely been experiencing the highs and lows of running a small shop. I guess if they made it easy, everybody would be doing it.  Together we spend lots of time bouncing ideas for new digis and hope they become hits.  I know, I know, this week is a blusher (see below)...but hey, you only live once and I'm feeling risque this week!  *Cringe* I can't believe I am posting this - LOL!

I have a few things to share with you all today. First, one of my cheekiest digis. It is definitely not meant for the easily offended, but why can girls walk around half naked and it is accepted? Yes - this stamp is sure to make your girlfriends blush, giggle, or mouth drop to the floor! I put this guy on a Wobble and he now dances on the card. Hilarious! I cannot take credit for the idea of this stamp, as this is the sick and twisted mind of my husband! Yes, even the risque sentiment! What a dirty bird eh? His exact words were, "Hey, your ladies deserve a treat! Why should the guys have all the fun?" LOL! How thoughtful! Hahaha! I am guilty of giggling while colouring up this funny digital stamp...he is super easy, in my opinion, due to the fact he is mostly flesh colour!

Secondly, my card from last week. A very simple design. I couldn't for the life of me find anything special to embellish it with. Nothing really jumped out in my stash to be honest, and my creative ideas were really dry that day. I am, however, really happy with colouring her. This was my fist attempt at black hair and it turned out well. I used my Lilac Promarker as part of her hilite, and it blended well with the Ice Grey,5,3,1, and Black. I will definitely use that combo again!

Family Time

Wow I can't believe my little darling is 7 months old. She is growing up so fast and I just want her to stay that so wrong?  Over our family time together, Kolby and I couldn't wait to paint up some Easter Eggs. This is more of a pre Easter treat we did together.  We mixed food colouring in some shaving cream (you get a really cool swirl effect) and then you dip your eggs in and let it dry.  Wipe clean to reveal a fancy swirl of colours on your eggs!  I  think we did it wrong as it did not turn out as nice as I thought.  Next time I won't use water to wipe the eggs clean, and we'll see what happens.  It was fun and super easy regardless.  (top pic of eggs is BEFORE, bottom is AFTER).

Later we all made some yummy Cake Pops!  Fun to make and eat!  :)  You will also notice Kolby having a sleepover party with all of his friends. Can you tell he likes frogs? :)

So, this is what I've been up to.  Hope your all having a crafty week and smiling with extreme, yet almost hard to contain excitement, as the snow melts away! C'mon spring!  Hearing those birds out there is music to my ears!

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Funny Face Digi Stamp

Hello lovely ladies! What a busy time in my life and I haven't even gone back to work yet - Lol! I can't believe my beautiful little boy will be going to school in September.  He'll be 4 toward the end of May *sob*.  We still haven't figured out what school he will be attending.  I'm more afraid what his new little friends will be teaching him. Sigh!  That is not my only worry these days, with all of the issues we had with our old care provider (as mentioned in earlier posts), we do not want to send him to the same school as her children, which is sad because it is right across the street.   So now we have to ask permission to send him to a school outside of our area...Such a headache.   We are seriously thinking about moving and have our eye on a nice property, but it is 45 minutes away from my work, which means we will need a second vehicle - OUCH!  It will be nice to not take the bus anymore, but the extra expense makes me a tad ill.  But we think it might be best for the kiddies.  My little girl is already 6 months does time fly?  She is enjoying her solids and LOVES carrots.  She is such a sweet little thing, and honestly, such a good baby despite me being up this morning at 4AM - LOL!  But that is few and far in between.  She is totally worth the back to back coffees I needed today...and onto a third one!  Cheers!  :)
Here is my latest release!  This is totally a self portrait of myself - in fact I made plenty of these faces this morning at my little snuggly bear Serina!

Skin: Coral, Oatmeal, Blush, Baby Pink (cheeks)
Hair: Henna, Terracotta, Amber, Plum (shadows)
Dress: Plum, Mulberry, fuchsia Pink
Under Shirt (bra): Pine, Bright Green, Lime Green
Spellbinders die cut, Papers by me!

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Baby Boy First Birthday - Digital Stamp

Hi everyone! Thanks for all of the lovely birthday wishes last week. It truly made my day!  My nephew also celebrated his birthday a day after me which brings me to my new release!  I have a super cute baby boy digital stamp to share with you all today. This one, I've been holding off showing as it was for my nephew's first birthday. I stayed up all night working on this cute digi! I also made the papers last minute too - shhh! So I was in a bit of a rush to create a card, but it turned out pretty good for a quickie...I use this term lightly as it still took hours. Ha! I had a fight with my new ATG gun. I ended up having to re-glue everything, because when you place those papers down, that's it! There is no wiggle room. Doh! Start again! I definitely need more practise, and I also must learn not to place it down on the wrong side. I placed it down on top of my case that contains a billion beads, and when I picked up my ATG gun it took the whole case too!  KA-BOOM! guessed it! Beads EVERYWHERE! I swear you could make a reality show with my comedic crafting experiences! *Blush* I'm sure I'll be finding the odd bead for the next 10 years too!

Anywho, this stamp has 3 versions included in the file. One version has a blank bib which allows you to put anything you want, such as the baby's name as I've done in my handmade card (see below). Another version of this digi has a star on it for a generic card; perhaps for a birth announcement or baby shower card.  AND finally, the third one has "1st B-day!" written on it for that special little guy who is celebrating his first birthday.

Now,  here's my card I made for my Nephew Evan.  I'm not a complete dummy. I was smart enough to take a picture before giving it away - LOL! 

Everything was made by me except the buttons, bottle, metal heart, ribbon and twine; which came from my aunt Kim's stash she gave me!  Doesn't leave much from me does it? - HA!  Very plain and simple...but I really like simple.  I used my Spellbinders Die and trusty Promarkers!  This time I used Neenah Solar white cardstock to print and colour my digi on.  It took a bit to get used to, as my other digis as of late, were coloured on Letraset Bleed-proof marker paper.  Not sure which paper I like best yet. The letraset paper is thin but I glue it to cardstock & then cut it. Best paper when on a budget - YEAH!  The blending is really nice on it and the red markers don't bleed.  I will have to test the two papers using the same colours for a better comparison...when I find time!

Well I'm off!  The dentist drilled 2 holes in my face yesterday.  It's still sore, and I am just dying to rest.  Hehe!

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Free Digital Stamps and A New Digi Release!!!

First of all I just want to say Happy Birthday to me!  =)  Yes, tomorrow I turn 35!  It's so strange for me to type that number in because when I was younger I always imagined myself up to the age of 25, or very elderly - LOL!  

I have some exciting news to share with you all today. Not only is it a release day for my new digi stamp called "Shoe Fetish" but I'm also kicking off a new Facebook game where you will have a chance to earn some Redonkulous Reward Points or win some FREE DIGITAL STAMPS! You might even have to get creative or expose your immature side...c'mon now, not everything comes for free! Of course there are always strings attached to winning free stamps. All you have to do is like my Facebook Fan page to see when the random Redonkulous Trivia will strike. That's right, completely random. No one will know when the trivia donkey will appear next! If you are the first to answer or do what is asked of you, you will have a shot at winning.  If you win something, you can grab the "GENI-ASS" Badge for your blog for bragging rights! If you win a digi, or reward points, you will have to create a Redonkulous Designs account at in order to claim your prize! This will be an ongoing don't be too sad if you miss a round of Redonkulous Triva...we'll always be lurking around to post a new question or task! Lets have fun, put on our thinking caps, or even be silly for a change!

Okay, enough clowning around already! Let's get back to business. Here is my newest digital stamp for that special someone in your life who has a thing for shoes!  I'm sure you know someone this card could go to! I have a few ladies in mind!  :)  Or better yet, if you are a shoe nut yourself, put this image on a card for hubby...he'll know that sexy vixen in the pic represents you!

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Sexy Valentines Day Digital Stamp

Brace yourself ladies! I have a super sexy Valentines Digi stamp to share with you all today. This Digital Stamp is sure to make your hubby, boyfriend, dad, or coworker blush...or maybe even make their heart beat faster! I have called this one Sassy Sweet Tooth, and she can be found here at my store
I'd like to end my post today by sending out my most heartfelt prayers and wishes to Kim from Her family is going through a very difficult time with their daughter who was most recently diagnosed with cervical cancer and fairly quickly scheduled for surgery. Our entire family was shocked to hear this sad news, and are standing on the sidelines rooting for our dearest cousin. When something like this happens so close to home, it only makes you realize how trivial the things we worry about in our everyday lives are. It is most scary to realize we are not immune to such things as cancer, and how quickly our lives can change at the drop of a hat. We are happy to learn that Kim's daughter has gone through her surgery and is now home resting! Let's all hope for the best here on out!

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Pregnancy Glow - Digital Stamp

Well, it's been fairly quiet online at Redonkulous Designs...but I can assure you it has been pretty chaotic here at home! The norovirus (Norwalk virus) hit our household over the Christmas holidays - and let me tell ya, I wouldn't wish that onto my worse enemies... not that I have any! LOL!   Not only that, but a double whammy with another cold right after!  The most terrifying experience we had was rushing poor miss Serina to the hospital on New Years Eve.  I noticed Serina turning red before my eyes.  I called my poor husband (who was super ill) into the room, and quicker than I could blink he scooped up the baby and flew out the door to the ER.  Her whole body broke out into hives and her eyes began to swell.  Obviously an allergic reaction to something, and we still aren't sure what (nuts have been ruled out).  What a way to spend Christmas and ring in the new year eh?!?!
Things are almost back to normal now.  Kolby is still sick, poor little guy still hasn't got his appetite back yet.  I am ok, but, haven't got my voice back completely, throat is a little sore, and I'm still trying to shake off this cough - but I am happy to say that we are no longer bed ridden! Yay!!!  It is time to play catch up now!  So enough whining already, lets get back to business! =)

Here is my first new release of 2013 called Pregnancy Glow - digital stamp!  She was so much fun to colour!  Have a look!

For this image I used Promarkers of course! Hair: Walnut, Burgandy, Burnt Orange, Amber and Plum and or Amythist for the Darkest areas.
Skin: Coral, Almond, Blush, lilac (shadows)Baby pink for her cheeks, Antique pink, salmon, baby pink for her lips.  Eyes: Pine, Forest Green, Bright Green Shirt: Gold, Sunflower, Tulip Yellow, Buttercup  Skirt: Antique Pink, Salmon, and baby pink  Spellbinders Decorative Lables OneCheery Lynn's Designs Mini Dementional Butterflies - Love these Butterfly Dies: A must have item!!!


Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Digital Collage Sheet

Happy Holidays everyone! Are you finished your Christmas shopping yet? I still have some loose ends to tie up today and then I'm all done!  I took some cute Christmas pictures of my babies this week. I can't show them all as they are in the mail for family-but here is a sneak peak!

I know, I know, my post last Wednesday said I was on vacation, but then I had the urge to do something creative and decided to do some Digital Collage sheets. It's been well over a year since  I've done a set and I hate having a nearly empty category in my shop.  I started these before I even knew what Digis were and have a ton of partially created ones, so I figured I'd finish them and add them to the shop.  I'm not abandoning my digis - so don't worry! ;)

Best Freinds Forever - Digital Collage 1 inch Circles
Available in 1 inch squres too!  You can use these to make Bottle cap jewelry, stickers, hair bow embellishments, card embellishments, cupcake toppers - whatever your hearts desire!  Happy Crafting everyone and have very Merry Christmas!


Saturday, 15 December 2012

Free Digital Stamp for 48 hours...

I am offering this digital stamp for free for 48 hours to express my deepest condolences for the tragic events that took place yesterday.    After 48 hours, this stamp will be added to the store for a very small fee.  I know the holidays are creeping up quickly, but it would be wonderful if you coud take the time out to PLEASE SEND A HANDMADE  CARD TO:
Sandy Hook Elementary School
12 Dickenson Drive,
Sandy Hook, CT 06482

I think the world has an aching heart over the tragedy that took place in Connecticut yesterday! Our thoughts and prayers go out to those who have been closely effected.  You can't help but think about what those poor innocent children saw that day, and the adults who also lost their lives.  With Christmas around the corner, it only adds insult to injury for 28 families.  For what is suppose to be the happiest time of year, will never be the same for so many.  I have feelings of anger, grief, sadness and guilt.  All we can do is pray for these families to heal and for something positive to happen that will prevent something like this from ever happening again.

If you have babies of your own, be sure to give them extra snuggles and kisses this week!

Update: Spelling for UK "Mummy" has been added to the file.

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Beary Christmas Nana!

Here is my Christmas card I made for my Nana who lives in England.  Sadly she is blind, which is why this card had to be made extra special just for her!  Just because she is blind doesn't mean she doesn't deserve a lovely card from her granddaughter right?  So, to make this card suit her needs, I made the card extra BIG so she can use her trusty giant magnifier to study what little she can see.   I wanted to make her a card that had a lot of depth (3 layers).  So I made some snow banks and layered them.  I also cut out the Christmas TeddyBear digital stamp so she can feel the shape.  I also put glitter on the snow banks for her to touch.  I used papers that Kim  from JustWordz gave me from her stash, and used the ones that had a nice texture on them.  My Nana should be able to feel the snowflakes and the trees with these beautiful, glittery papers.­  I put a few embellishments around the "Beary Christmas" sentiment (I lucked out with some pearls that fit perfectly on the sentiment, and used my pearl pen for the smaller pearl beads).  Next I ripped off some Christmas lights from an old reindeer statue that I was going to throw away - I completely violated this poor deer and stripped him completely of his embellies - teehee!  I feel so dirty!  But hey, I now have a nice little Christmas bulb that matched my papers.  A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!  ;)
I used my Promarkers of course:

BEAR: Walnut, Cocoa, Cinnamon, EARS: Antique Pink, Baby Pink, NOSE: Warm Grey 5,3 and 1
CANDY CANE: Burgundy, Crimson, Poppy, Pastel Blue and Blender, Pink, Emerald, Apple
RIBBON: Pine, Emerald, Mint Green, Pastel Green, RIBBON DETAIL: Pine, Apple,

Glitter Liner made by Viva #908 Holo Iridescent: Used on Candy Cane bow, snowbanks

Christmas Teddy Bear digital stamp can be purchased HERE!

I'd like to enter my card in the Following Challenges:

Cute Card Thursday Challenge 246 - Red and Green!
Passion for ProMarkers Week 178 include the word HAPPY in your sentiment
TotallyGorjuss.Blog - Anything Goes with Glitter

¸.•*¨*`•.¸  WHAT'S NEW?  ¸.•*¨*`•.¸

Well I missed last week's post.  Sadly I had so many co­mputer problems I just said "forget it!!!"  and resorted to posting on my RedonkulousFacebook Fan Page.   For those of you who are not on my Facebook Fan Page, I'd like to tell you that I have posted another cute Fairy digital stamp called "Fairy Blossom".  I love this digi because she comes with or without the flower, not to mention she will melt your heart or recipients heart!  She is available to purchase now!  =)  As for my computer, it is temporarily working.  So, starting today I have decided to go on holiday to do some major website and computer maintenance - Ha! Not really a holiday huh?  You may not see some new digi stamps until January, but you will still see me around.  Tis the season to be Redonkulously busy!!!  Have a super crafty week - Oh who am I kidding?  HURRY!  Get out there and finish up that Christmas shopping - EEK! =)

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Have a Fairy Merry Christmas!

Lots of stuff to show you all today! This week I coloured up my fairy digital stamp and decided to make it into a Fairy Christmas greeting card! I absolutely loved colouring this image-especially her hair! I think she is my favorite digi so far! I love her soooo much, I have another design on the way - so stay tuned! By the time I'm done, we're all gonna be fairied out! HAH! I think I've got my Mum hooked too! She's coloured this image about 5 times in so many different colours!  Plus I can tell that she can't resist the need to use glitter and jewels - who can't right?!? I have to say, my mother is catching onto this colouring thing too!   I can't wait to go for a visit and see her creations in person! =) So my darlings - here is the perfect excuse to glitter the heck out of your next project and add plenty of bling! Eeehehehe! I'm a sucker for sparkly things, aren't you?

I used Promarkers of course.
Wings: Blue Pearl, Cool Aqua (these blend beautifully)
Dress: China Blue, Blue Bell, Blue Pearl, Cool Aqua (for petal skirt)
Hair: aubergine, slate, and lilac / petrol blue, marine, Turquoise, duck egg
Skin: coral, sunkissed pink, blush, baby pink (cheeks)/ antique pink, baby pink (lips)
Glitter: I used a Glitter Liner made by Viva #908 Holo Iridescent. This colour is beautiful on almost any colour! Total must have (in my opinion) and dries quick unlike glitter glue.
Purple and white cardstock given to me (thanks Aunt Kim!)
Blue "Magical Christmas" Digital Scrapbook Paper (made by me - not in the shop yet, sorry my dears)!
Swirls were cut and given to me from my Aunt Kim - they were perfect for this project ( I seriously need this Die cut for future -I love it so much)!!!
Snowflake embellishment - cut from my Martha Stewart Punch. Covered it with my Glitter Liner and added purple jewel.

So here is a sneak peek of What Kim did with my Fairy Digital Stamp. She's soooo cute, so please hop over to see what she has done!!

Sassy has also done a beautiful job colouring my fairy and I just love it to bits!  Check out her version here.  ...AND if you are lucky enough you might even get to see what Tracey from Candi Craft Cards, did with hers too later today!  I haven't seen it, but I know it will be beautiful as all of her cards are!  It truly is amazing how one image can look so different!  I can't say enough how much I love seeing my images come to life! So if you've got a Redonkulous Designs card or craft to share-please post on my Facebook Fan Page! 

Latest Digi to hit the shop very soon is my Christmas Teddy Bear!  He's super cute and will come with several sentiments, plus a blank one for you to fill in yourself.  :)  He will be ready to purchase tomorrow...only b/c my hands are tied with Christmas decorating & cleaning our storage closet (groan).  Now that's a nightmare before Christmas let me tell ya! Hope the rest of your week is a crafty one! =)

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Fairy Digital Stamp

Late post this week as I have been visiting with family, and then family came to visit us!  I think it was worth the wait with this super cute new digital stamp called Shy Fairy.  I'm still a young girl at heart and I absolutely LOVE fairies!  Several weeks ago I turned my daughter's nursery into a fairies and butterfly theme - hey, I have to live my childhood through her somehow, heehehe!  Then when visiting with Kim from  we chit chatted about fairies, which of course lit a fire of a stamp I've been meaning to do for a long time!  I like this fairy digi so much I may have to do another...and then another!  =)  This will not be the last fairy you see from me!  Don't forget to add lots of glittery fairy dust to your handmade cards!  I'm thinking about colouring this cutie up, scanning it in, and printing her onto a T-Shirt transfer for my little girl!  I wonder if I can find some fabric glitter somewhere...if they make such a thing?

This past weekend we went to visit Nana and Papa Brown, where they were so kind to host a fabulous baby shower for our little Miss Serina.  It was so nice to see everyone, indulge on so many goodies (especially the ones made by Tina and Jamie), and drink an ocean of Tim Horton's coffee (not exaggerating here. Papa accidentally purchased a party sized container of coffee - LOL!).  We are so grateful for the gifts Serina received and having such a thoughtful family.  If you are reading this NB family, thanking you again for thinking of us! ♥

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Cute Christmas Digital Stamp - Elf in A Box

Here is this weeks Christmas Digi of an elf girl. Inspiration comes from my life this week as it is a very exciting time of year for me and my family. I'm sure many of you enjoy the holidays, spending time with family and friends. My excitement goes a little bit further this year, and my husband is forcing me to contain it! YIPPY! I'm not sure how much longer I can hold out, but I am trying... So, let me explain. 

As you all know we recently had our baby girl Serina, and she has been a joyful addition to our family. It will be interesting to see how the family dynamics will work in the coming month with our other new little friend.... Who is this little friend I speak of? No, not a puppy!!! Have you ever heard of an "Elf on the shelf"? That's right, I'm getting excited about a little elf! But it's not just any little elf! It is a cute little guy who visits after reading a story book. We have to name him when he arrives, but Kolby is not to touch him or he will lose his magic! He is only allowed to talk to him; this under strict orders from the Big Man himself (Santa), and the elf is only allowed to listen. Every day, our elf friend will visit our home, showing up in a random place, to make sure Kolby is being a good boy. Then he disappears to report to Santa! What a cute, fun, and clever idea huh? I'm soooo excited, I feel like a child myself! Christmas is super exciting again! My husband, wants us to wait until Dec 1st to bring out our elf friend and I am not sure I can wait! Not only that, if I know my son, he will take this very seriously and talk to the elf, and be on his best behaviour till the 25th of December! He usually is a very good boy anyway, but for those odd days, when he becomes Mr. Cranky Pants, I will now be able to point to my little elf buddy and have an even more peaceful December! Woohoo!

 Now the big question. Since this is going to be tradition, we want to influence Kolby to come up with a cute, elf-like name. He is only 3, so he will need help with this, otherwise we'll be calling him "Excavator Banana Face"...Yes, he has a big vocabulary when it comes to trucks etc., but lacks the creativity for naming things that make sense. HA HA!   Soooo....

Any ideas for an elf name for our Elf on The Shelf tradition?

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

A Father and Son - Digital Stamp & Dark Skin Tones using Promarkers

This super sweet digital stamp called "Daddy's Boy" is my newest addition to the shop.  The inspiration comes from my husband, and how awesome he is with my son. This is how I see the two of them, especially as of late when Daddy comes home from work.   YUP, that's right! I am now on my own taking care of the 2 rascals while Hubby is bringing home the bacon!  It's been wonderful though despite my extreme exhaustion.  Jim was, and still is, a big help during this very busy time with our newest addition.  I am sure I am not the only one who knows a really awesome Dad who deserves this digi stamp...and yes, I will do a "Daddy's Girl" version too in the future!!!  Thanks everyone for your sweet comments on my last post of our baby girl! It really warmed our hearts and enjoyed reading them all! :)

Check out my other newest digital stamp "Workout Girl".  For a long time now, I've been meaning to do a digi stamp of a girl for darker skin tones. So here she is and I just LOVE her!!!  I am really happy with how she turned out and how beautiful  I finally got her skin tone.   Now, I'm not an expert marker colourer or anything, as this is still very new to me.  I confess, it took me about 5 tries to get these warm brown colours to perfection - perhaps it is a lack of colours in my marker collection.  But, like a little scientist, I experimented and finally found the perfect colours I liked, and figured out a way to colour her without making it too blotchy looking.   Kim will be doing a version too, so I am curious to see how hers turned out, and what colours she used - if she posted it this week.  Pop on over and check out her blog!  The Promarker colours I used for her dark skin tone was Cocoa, Raw Sienna, Coral, Amethyst, and Antique Pink for her cheeks.  Sounds scary doesn't it?  I used Amethyst for the really dark areas under her chin, her back, inner ear etc.  I found all of these colours had to be applied a certain way and worked and then re-worked to get a nice even tone.  Oh yes, I also used Maroon for her eyeshadow.  This was such a fun challenge for me and I really want to do another.  The image is actually 2 different versions I coloured for practise (one cropped, and one full version).  I want to complete this cutie with my fitness papers using the black design patterns, that is my reason for her clothing colours.  Next time I'd really like to do a purple and green combo, which I think would look so pretty with her skin tone. 

Hope everyone has a great hump day! =)

Saturday, 3 November 2012

My Baby Girl! 12 Weeks Old

Hi everyone. I just wanted to post an update of my beautiful baby girl. She is the happiest little girl in the world! Even when she is super hungry and crying, she always manages to squeeze in a smile!  About two weeks ago, Serina figured out she has hands and can control them! The look on her face was priceless! It's equivalent to Spiderman realising he has super powers!  She is now starting to sit up, which seems quite impressive for a 12 week old.  Yesterday she discovered her feet, and scared herself while twinkling her toes!  She was thinking, "Wow, what are those things and why are they moving?!?!"  It really is funny to see these precious little people evolve, while we take the simplest things for granted - like our limbs!  Haha!  Having a little baby certainly makes you think about the silly things we get upset about, while the most important stuff is sitting right in front of our noses!

Take time out of crafting today to give your kids more hugs than they are use to - no matter how big they are! xoxo

Daddy nicknamed her "Funny"

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Digi Stamp - New release! Fitness & Baptism (Boy)

I've got a few new releases to announce today Fitness Girl and Baptismal/Christening for a baby boy.  Last week was my fitness papers and this week is my super cute fitness digital stamp, perfect for creating workout journals or cards for your workout support buddies!  My Aunt Kim didn't have to twist my arm at all when she suggested it - I sooooo loved doing this one!  Currently only available at my site!  Below is a sneak peek to show you what Kim has done with my Fitness girl-love the sentiment! Go to Just Wordz to check her out! She looks fantastic with my fitness scrapbook papers! She also did an amaaaaaaazing job on my pumpkin head cutie!  So hop on over!

Also up this week is a long overdue request for my Baptismal Digital Stamp of a baby boy with his mother and father - really this can be used for any family celebration as I kept it simple.

HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYONE!  For those of you who celebrate Halloween, please be safe and wear some glow sticks!  REMINDER - This is the last day for my Halloween freebie! =)

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Fitness Digital Scrapbook Papers

What a horrible time to have my internet go down periodically all week! So frustrating!  We had Rogers (our crappy cable/internet provider) come in the other day to fix it, and as I expected, they were completely useless!   He spent a few minutes in our home and then a few hours tinkering in the cable box in the neighbour's yard.  He never came back to tell us if everything was fixed.  Well, I don't think he did a thing b/c it's still failing.  We have complained more times than I can count.  The next call will be to cancel our service.  I am praying to get through this post - HA! *how ironic, internet went down again right after I wrote that.*  Hehehe, bare with me folks!  <:0S

Anyway, I've been so super busy this week creating! Today I have digital scrapbook papers that are perfect for creating fitness journals.  The one you are seeing in this post is for a female, but there is a male version on the way, but I am not happy with it to post yet.  They are practically done though.  I also have several new digital stamps in production.  I have a female working out to go with my papers, it is in the sketch stage and I am so super excited to get her done because she is soooo cute!  I've got an an angel that is almost ready for release!  A baptismal for a boy, don't worry ladies it is almost done too - but I keep putting it off.  Shame on me for not doing this one sooner - sorry Kate.  Saw your message Hun, but hadn't the time to reply.  I should have her done this weekend.  If you need it before the weekend, let me know.  I almost have 2 completed sets of Christmas papers too, stay turned because these ones are beautiful!  My Mum had a sneak peak of these papers and she told me yesterday how beautiful they printed on Glossy Paper.  Have not tried that one yet - LOL!  Anyway, I better get these papers into the shop before my internet goes down again. *sigh*  Hope you all are having a better week than me!  Don't forget about my free digi stamp, you had better hurry b/c she is going up for regular price very soon.  :)

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

FREE Digital Stamp!

Everyone likes a freebie once in a you better hurry!  This is a limited time offer!  It isn't mandatory, but show your appreciation by giving back to me.  Redonkluous Designs is still a new digital stamp company working hard to bring you all high quality images, and trying hard to get my name out there.  If you love my work and want to see more, please show your support by posting my "I ♥ Redonkulous Designs" badge on your blog.  Just grab the code and plug it into a gadget on your blog!  Now, "LIKE" me on my Facebook Fan Page!  It's that easy!  It makes me feel sooo good to see my badge when I visit you all!  I hope this to be the beginnings of more freebies to come...hopefully without bribery - LOL! ♥ 

Click on the image in the banner to get'em!

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Handmade Gift - Christmas Candle

For the past 2 weeks I've stepped away from my computer to enjoy my family and of course some Thanksgiving festivities here in Canada.  My mum and I have been up to trouble this passed long weekend - crafting, and sharing our exciting new toys and crafty gadgets!  What fun!  Together we experimented with some candle making. We don't have one of those heat guns for crafting, so my Mum brought out her ancient old paint stripper - YIKES!  I guess you can say it is the Uzi of all heat guns - Ha! But ya Know what?  It actually worked...err..umm...well, after two candle casualties, but we finally mastered it!  Hehehe! 

First I coloured my Cuddly Christmas Penguin digital stamp with Promarkers.   You can buy him here.  Next, I scanned it into my computer at 300 dpi (I'll be making several of these for gifts and this will save a ton of time especially if I want to make a matching card).  If you want to skip this step, use the image you coloured on the desired paper.  Next I printed it on Canon Photo quality paper.  I cut out the image as tight as I could, leaving a little bit of white.  Next, I place the image on a pure white candle purchased from Walmart - $3.  The dollar store usually has these, but none were to be found as they still have their Halloween stuff out. I used waxed paper/grease proof paper to cover the image and pulled it tightly across the image.  Make sure your Waxed Paper doesn't have wrinkles or creases.  While holding it tight with an oven glove, I used the heat gun/paint stripper on HIGH with my other hand, moving it with a smooth even motion over the covered image.  Don't leave it in one spot for too long though b/c you don't want the candle to melt unevenly as it can be a real pain to re-shape it.  WARNING - CANDLE MAY DRIP.  I used a metal cookie sheet covered with tin foil to catch the wax drippings.  Once the image changes from a foggy look to a clear look, it is time to turn off your heat gun and slowly peel it off of your candle.  Tada!  A beautiful smooth candle, with a gorgeous image made by you!  YAY!  Now decorate your candle!  I used silver ribbon and red rope for the base (nice choice Mum), pearl stars for snowflakes, and glitter on his hat. This was a lot of fun, and I can't wait to make more!  Great idea huh? This would make the cutest gift for "Secret Santa" for a co-worker, or beautiful Christmas decorations for yourself or friend.  This candle is meant for decoration purposes and not meant to be lit for obvious reasons, so make sure you remind the person if you choose to give it away.  Have fun with this project - I promise, you will want to make more!  =)  Have a crafty Wednesday everyone!


Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Goodbye my Teamies! ='(

Ohh! It is another sad day for Redonkulous Designs! I have to say goodbye to the rest of my very talented teamies Kate, Tracy, and Sharon (visit them to view their final project).  You three are just so wonderful and talented, I am so lucky to have had you on my team.  What a wonderful team ALL 6 of you are, and I can't thank you all enough for the wonderful beginnings we shared here at Redonkulous Designs.  You were all with me when I launched my new online store on  June 23rd, 2012.  You all cheered me up through tough times in my everyday life, and celebrated with me through the good times.  You followed me through my pregnancy and the birth of my baby girl Serina. You watched me have my first ever challenge (thank you Kim, you made it happen).  And you all watched me create my first ever handmade card! Wow, now that's a lot of firsts!!!  I wholeheartedly mean it when I say I couldn't have made it this far without you all showcasing my art, bringing it to life, and being an inspiration.  There is still a long journey ahead my lovely ladies, and I am so humbled and grateful to have had you join me for this very important chapter in my life.  There is still a lot of work to get Redonkulous Designs where I would like it to be, but just be so very proud of yourselves for what it is today.  So go ahead, pat yourselves on the back - do it, don't feel silly....there you go!  ;)  Thanks so much from the bottom of my heart!

I will be taking a short break before my next search for a design team, as I so desperately want to snuggle and enjoy my babies and hubby before he returns back to work next month.  I will of course be continuing with my art, and tackling the wish lists some of my lovely fans have requested.  I have plans to start an official challenge blog, YEAH YEAH!  So stay tuned for that.....AND

.......Stay tuned for the next DT call!!!

Today I leave you with my latest creations - Hippy Trip Digital Scrapbook Papers.  They are so beautiful and vibrant and can only be purchased in my online store - not Etsy!  They go nicely with my Hippie Chick digital stamp too!  Happy crafting!

Sunday, 23 September 2012

This past week, I chose a winner for my first time ever challenge.  This was such a special moment for me, so I wanted to make it a special moment for the winner, Sassy.  I chose to put Sassy in the spotlight this week, and found out that she not only creates beautiful cards, but she has a wonderful heart too, from helping people in her daily life, to putting a lot of thought and TLC into her cards.  You will also see Sassy's cards throughout blogland.  In fact, I just stumbled upon her work on the Crafty Catz Blog, and once again my eye was drawn to her beautiful creations!  I was pleasantly surprised it was Sassy's card!  I will be sponsoring the Crafty Catz in March and July of 2013!  It's a small blog world isn't it!?!?  :)

Here is Sassy's winning card, followed by her story:

I'd love it if you can tell us a little bit about yourself:
I'm a 59 year old mum and nan to 7 grandchildren.  I live and work in a historic midland town in Warwickshire looking after older people.  I have been in this job for 13 years and live on site with my Hubby and our beautiful cat Marvina, who escorts me whilst doing my calls, and who is still waiting for me if i have had to go into their homes.  No matter how long I have been, she is still there waiting for me outside...ready to follow me when I carry on with my daily routine.  The residents think she behaves more like a dog than a cat, and she is well loved.

When did you start creating cards?
I started crafting 10 years ago as a hobby.

What/who inspired you to create cards?
I have always been interested in arty stuff and joined a local art shop in learning different techniques and it has progressed from there.

Do you sell your handmade cards or do you do it for fun?
I sell quite a few commissions, which I love and see it as a challenge.  I just feel so happy when the recipient is happy with their card.  I do try and incorporate something about the person the card is for... like a favourite colour, girly or not, flouncy or frilly, vintage or modern etc.  I feel then, it makes it extra special just for them. No two are ever the same although I struggle with mens cards but will always have a try. 

What is your favourite occasion to create cards for?
I haven't a favourite occasion, but like to make sure the embellishments are taken into account always with the person or occasion in mind.  I'm quite a choccy box kinda gal, but not everyone likes loads of flowers or ribbon.  I try and tailor and personalise each card with every order I receive...

How long do you typically spend on a card?
Each card can take hours, especially if colouring is needed.  I always lay out my design before I glue, and try to balance the card. I'm also a matchy girl; making sure my papers, colours, and embellishments all work together.
What handy tips would you like to share with someone who is just starting to craft?
Just be yourself, let out the inner you, go with the flow - but whatever you do, be proud that you made it.  Looking back, my crafting has got me through many a bad times, and the best thing I ever did was get a blog...and give thanks for all the very special people it has lead me to find.

 Please visit Sassy's blog and become a follower. 
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